2016年12月29日 星期四
2016年12月28日 星期三
My swim journey in 2016!!
2016年11月30日 星期三
Madeleine recipe! (No BAKING POWDER)
Madeleine is one of our favorite desserts! The cake-like texture of madeleines with the heavenly comforting smell of butter + egg + sugar would very easily make your DAY!
Here, I'd like to share with you my recipe, using only REAL ingredients! And hopefully my tips would help your dessert-making process much easier and fun!
This recipe is based on a recipe from a famous blogger in Taiwan: Carol
Here, I'd like to share with you my recipe, using only REAL ingredients! And hopefully my tips would help your dessert-making process much easier and fun!
This recipe is based on a recipe from a famous blogger in Taiwan: Carol
2016年10月5日 星期三
健身:游泳4 & 1-2 (Where to learn to swim in Minneapolis)
健身:游泳1-4系列是在YWCA-Minneapolis上的。YWCA-Minneapolis有三個地點:Downtown, uptown, and midtown. 會選Uptown地點主要是因為離我家交通方便,uptown也相對midtown安全些。YWCA-Uptown 是一個運動中心,有健身課程可以上,有大游泳池。因為我已經是University of Minnesota gym的會員,所以我使用非會員價格購買四堂一組的一對一游泳課。在Y上完四堂後,剛好學校的一對一游泳教練也排到了,我就無縫接軌的開始在學校上游泳課。(學校學游泳的網頁Learn to swim at the U;價格是在Y的一半;教練是在學的大學生,但游泳技能基本上都很好,感覺過去是游泳隊的,不確定現在是不是)
2016年9月28日 星期三
2016年9月23日 星期五
關於講話的書 (Books for conversation)
來美國後,每次Professional Development seminar的講者都會或多或少提到Networking(打關係?)的重要性。在美國,找工作,生活上的大小難題,很難不圍繞Networking打轉。在學校裡,social event(社交活動)不少,例如,我們系上定期一個月至少會有一個主題式的社交活動,但如何和陌生人談話,加入一群熟人的對話,主動和長輩攀談等等,都不是我擅長的。即便有前輩給的一些建議,想要學習各種對話之訣竅,並應用在社交場合,我覺得仍需更系統性的脈絡學習。有四本書我覺得相輔相成能夠幫助我回答這方面的問題,進而更懂得溝通對話上的“眉角”。
0. The like switch by Jack Schafer and Marvin Karlins 中文版
1. How to talk to anyone by Leil Lowndes 中文版
2. Crucial conversations by Kerry Patterson, Joseph Granny, Ron McMillan, Al Switzler 中文版
3. Straight to yes by Haider Imam 沒有中文版QQ
0. The like switch by Jack Schafer and Marvin Karlins 中文版
1. How to talk to anyone by Leil Lowndes 中文版
2. Crucial conversations by Kerry Patterson, Joseph Granny, Ron McMillan, Al Switzler 中文版
3. Straight to yes by Haider Imam 沒有中文版QQ
2016年9月13日 星期二
今年初,開始規律游泳了 五 次XDD 實在是因為五月後整個開始拼實驗趕畢業,一天中很難擠出這麼長的空擋去游泳池,另一個原因則是學校的游泳池和更衣室不是連在一起的,每次游泳下水前都要一路打哆嗦,造成去游泳的阻力高漲!
今年初,開始規律游泳了 五 次XDD 實在是因為五月後整個開始拼實驗趕畢業,一天中很難擠出這麼長的空擋去游泳池,另一個原因則是學校的游泳池和更衣室不是連在一起的,每次游泳下水前都要一路打哆嗦,造成去游泳的阻力高漲!
2016年9月12日 星期一
2016年9月1日 星期四
告別博士生涯之回顧 上
2016年5月21日 星期六
If you are a PhD student, or were PhD students, you would probably agree with me that the process of pursuing a PhD is very challenging. It's challenging both intellectually and mentally. The intellectual challenges arise from pushing the boundaries of what you already knew to trying to understand and rationalize what you don't know. You explore the unknown based on what you knew, and learn through the journey. The mental challenges often come along with this explorative process. Although you are equipped with your well-formulated hypotheses and you posses great technical skills to solve the problem, often times, you will end up finding one mystery after another because things may not work as you expected, which could come intrinsically from the subject matter or it's just an instrument malfunction. Then, considering the limited resources you have: you don't have forever to solve this problem because you want to graduate and get a real job, considering what you have achieved versus what you have failed, and considering someone constantly bugging you for results, this explorative journey can be daunting and draining. Ultimately, your confidence drifts away and it's just so hard to tell yourself "never give up."
2016年5月14日 星期六
2016年5月8日 星期日
在這種很想得到實驗數據同時又邊走邊trial and error的狀況下,很容易因為高壓高標準而把自己逼到情緒的角落,emotional resilience會明顯變得脆弱。這時候會提醒要自己停下來,並使用從心理師和各種閱讀中學到的技巧來和自己對話,讓自己能與自己的心智連結。可能因為我做得不夠,或時間不夠長,最近連續三天都噩夢,導致因需要早起做實驗而僅存的六到七小時的睡眠更顯不足。
2016年4月9日 星期六
Barrier VS Motivation (inspired by the book: Smarter Faster Better)
Often times I find myself struggling with the activation barrier to actually go and do something. For example, it's challenging to overcome the barrier to go into the swimming pool because, for one thing, it is cold walking in the ~20 to 50 meter-long hallway between the swimming pool and locker room; for another, the process of taking a shower and drying my hair is not as comfortable and easy as doing it at home. However, the reward for doing something I have yarned for can be big. For example, I feel physically and mentally refreshed and accomplished after I reach my swimming goal. And the feeling is often carried on for days and can fuel up my work.
So now, how can I surpass the barrier and do get the thing done instead of escaping? First of all, I try lowering the "energy barrier". For example, I put a showering kit with my favorite shampoo, conditioner, body wash and lotion, and my own hair dryer in the locker room. Also, I bring my hair combs to make sure that I dry my hair properly and beautifully like I do at home. But this is not enough. The barrier is still high that I still try to talk myself out of not going to swim. The cold is cold; the temperature difference is a fact that I cannot control, and everyone faces it when they go swimming.
So now, how can I surpass the barrier and do get the thing done instead of escaping? First of all, I try lowering the "energy barrier". For example, I put a showering kit with my favorite shampoo, conditioner, body wash and lotion, and my own hair dryer in the locker room. Also, I bring my hair combs to make sure that I dry my hair properly and beautifully like I do at home. But this is not enough. The barrier is still high that I still try to talk myself out of not going to swim. The cold is cold; the temperature difference is a fact that I cannot control, and everyone faces it when they go swimming.
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