2018年9月2日 星期日

2nd Tri + Race Thoughts: 2018 Girlfriends Tri

How I started my Tri: I started my triathlon journey about more than a year ago, and did my first sprint triathlon race with YWCA Minneapolis. It was a great race, and a once in a lifetime experience (Why I Tri + Race Thoughts: 2017 YWCA Women's Tri)! A lot of life events happened in early 2018, including the sudden passing of my mom, moving to a new state, starting a new job etc. Considering the life stress, I was hesitant to commit on a race again, but since I have invested in my triathlon gear last year .... I really wanted to do it (use them) again 😁. 

How I trained: I don't plan to share about my training in this post, as it was not very well-structured due to work and life stress. My mindset while preparing for the race was to cover the basics - be able to finish the race: be able to swim 800 m without fear (didn't swim for more than 6 months) and have a smooth transition.

What were new in this race/preparation: (1) Portland vs Minneapolis; (2) I switched to clipless bike shoes three weeks prior to the race (one move I don't regret trying - not a good strategy in terms of speed though); (3) longer swim distance (800 m vs 457 m), shorter bike distance (12 mile vs 15.5 mile)
這次比賽和去年在明尼亞波里斯的主要差別有三個:(1) 城市的不同:明尼亞波里斯附近就有適合練開放水域游泳的乾淨湖水(還有救生員),明尼亞波里斯城內和周圍有綿延好多英里的腳踏車專用道 (2) 比賽三週前毅然決然頭也不回地換上腳踏車鞋 (3) 這次的游泳距離長了兩倍,對於游泳不快的我,是很大的挑戰。腳踏車距離則短個快五公里。

What I learned and the true stories behind the race: 
(1) Spoiled Minnesotan en route to become an Oregonian
I couldn't agree more with our the ancient wisdom: it is easy to go from frugality to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagance to frugality. This is exactly how I feel when biking (or trying to find a bike route) in the Portland area compared to the great old time (very lovely and lovingly) biking in the Twin Cities, Minnesota. In Minnesota, designated and well-maintained bike trails are easily accessible, and they typically stretch miles and miles easily without being disturbed by traffic intermittently. There are lakes literally everywhere, and it's not at all difficult to find a swimmable lake even in the city!! It is truly a luxury for triathletes in the summer in Minnesota! On the contrary, it was quite an effort for me to finally find a place to practice open water swim, but unfortunately, I got "attacked" by a white dog from behind in the water on my second and last open water swim before the race....

Swim exit



Practiced transition near home, and earned a fall..

(2) Enjoy the process, don't be bugged down by particular numbers 
  During the bike and run, I started to feel disappointed by myself as (a) I wasn't able to ride as fast as I expected (17.2 mph vs the goal 18 mph above) and (b) I felt that I was about to get a cramp right after I started running, which hindered me to run faster. Though I missed my "challenging challenging" goal time of 1 h 28 min, I did hit my "challenging goal" time: 1 h 30 min. In addition, I did execute well all the technical-based goals during the race, including transitions, clip/unclip during turns and getting on and off the bike. Nevertheless, I still felt disappointed about my performance right after the race.
  That feeling was so strong that I felt somewhat ashamed of myself for no rational reason. I tried to remind myself of some race thoughts shared by Olympic Gold Medalist in triathlon, Gwen Jorgensen, after a race (1) she would allow herself 24h to feel the disappointment and then move on, (2) she would acknowledge herself for achieving technical goals, and (3) she thinks that the result of a race, whether satisfying or not, it doesn't come easy and it's a learning opportunity. 
  Although my speed performance fell short of my expectation, it turned out that, based on my Garmin Forerunner 35, I exhibited my highest VO2 Max so far during the race. This indicates two things (1) I did my best, and (2) my physical strength did improve!! Since my original motivation and ultimate goal for my training and race is to be strong and healthy, there is really no need to be bugged down by particular numbers. 
  2016三鐵奧運金牌運動員Gwen曾分享過,在每個比賽之後,(1)她會給自己一天的時間感受各種情緒,一天之後就是『繼續努力』,(2) 不管比賽成績如何,她會肯定自己完成技術成面的目標,(3) 不管比賽成績如何,好與壞,都得來不易,把每個機會都當作是學習機會。
  即使我對我的比賽時間的『數字』感到失望,根據Garmin手錶紀錄,我的體能其實都有持續在進步,而且VO2 Max (最大攜氧量)還破新高...。真的沒必要太執著在單一比賽的數字,保持學習的心,享受每個訓練的過程! 

(3) Be grateful for what you have - don't take things for granted
  I then reflected on my process leading up to the race. I was keen on switching to clipless bike shoes 3 weeks before the race, and I worked hard to get accustomed to the clip/unclip process. However, I got two big bike falls outdoor on the hard floor while practicing, earning bruises on my hip and knee and blood wounds on my knee that last for weeks. I almost forgot how lucky I was to carry on with my training and finish the race in one piece after the falls. I should not take this for granted. Thank God and the earth for giving me the opportunity to challenge myself and experience the beauty of nature and others. 

Just started biking, feeling good...

