2017年12月31日 星期日

Two things I learned the most in 2017!

I'm so grateful that I get to reflect on what I've learned in this past year. It has been challenging, but I'm grateful for every growth opportunities and for having lovely people around me. 💖
So below are two things that I learned the most from 2017!

無論是在個人感情,人際關係,或者職場上,千千萬萬 千千萬萬 千千萬萬,一定要好好照顧自己的身體和心理健康啊!無論是對方沒有好好照顧自己,或是公司沒有保障自己的權利,千萬別想說『我身體不好是因為你,你就要給我負責』。NO NO: 已經不愛你不重視你的人,就是不會負責,也無心負責。更何況,身體不好,苦的是 自己啊!沒有人能夠幫你受苦的!另外,穢氣不去,好氣也進不來呢!

First of all, take good care of your physical and mental health. No one can do that for you, in any possible way. And good things come only after you have prepare a space for them.

For those people who don't love you or care about you, either it's in your personal relationships or your career, don't ever expect them to take the consequences of your bad conditions, even if you think that they are the ones who should be responsible for. After all, your body is on you - good or bad.

第二:做自己當下不會後悔的最好選擇,而不是別人說要做A, B, or C 才會成功的選擇

更何況『世俗』的建議真的不一定適合自己呢! :) 

Second, choose and do what it's right for you, not what people say it's right for you.

This is so true for me when making different decisions in life. I realized that only when I take into account my priorities, and make a decision that I won't regret at that particular moment, will I fully OWN that decision and make the most of it.


Wishing you a healthy, safe, and fruitful 2018! 💖

