2018年3月24日 星期六

From 5 K to my first Half Marathon: Shamrock Run Portland 2018 (Part 2)

In Part 2 of the series: I will (ii) share my training approach and (iii) racing strategy, and will end with a short summary.
下集就繼續分享 (ii) 我的訓練方法(iii) 我的比賽方法。最後有個小總結

(ii) My training approach 我的訓練方法:
I worked with Neely, a professional long distance runner and an online coach, for this race. I actually found her coaching business on instagram! I had worked with another online coach for my previous 5 K race at the end of September 2017. After the race, I found that I'd like to have a coach that could customize my training plan according to my training performances. There are many online coaches out there. My suggestion is that choose the one that you feel comfortable to work with, because this training can last from 3 to 6 months, and it could get miserable if your coach ends up being not accountable.
我從instagram上找了一位職業跑者 Neely當教練(她本身就有在經營教練事業)。2017年中有找過另一位線上教練,當時明顯看到有效訓練和自己摸索訓練的差異後,這次沒有顧慮太多就決定找教練了。網路上有不少線上教練,很多都有很多學員跑很好的成績。我的建議是找自己喜歡的教練:教學方法和理念適合自己。Neely的訓練除了跑步課程外,還會提供核心訓練和腿力訓練的課程提供參考。最重要的是,Neely還會因我的跑量和課表執行度做調整。

So Neely helps develop a training schedule based on my workout experience and work schedule. I ended up having ONE recovery run day, TWO workout days, ONE long run day, ONE rest day, and TWO cross training days (swim, bike, or focused strength training) in a week. In reality, when life commitments came in, my cross training day sometimes ended up being a rest day or just a regular day 😛.

During the times when I needed to shut down my training for almost 2 weeks or reduce the amount of training due to travel and body conditions, Neely helped ease my way back into training afterwards, which was really helpful.

I tried to get as much outdoor run as possible when weather is permissible, but if the weather was too cold, too windy, or pouring rain, I would just stay inside and run on a treadmill even for a Saturday long run. My principle is not to waste too much energy on tackling the weather factor for training.

(iii) My racing strategy:
After my three 5 K and one sprint triathlon races in 2017, I have developed a ritual of mapping out a racing strategy prior to every race. It actually is just laying out the plan and thinking about what to expect to help prepare for the race day. It's also called visualization in (sports) psychology (I have used it quite extensively in my life, by the way).

Three steps:
(a) Goal setting: my ordinary goal is to finish the race at my easy pace; my challenging goal is to go sub 2 hours.

(b) Look at course map: I lay out my target paces at different section of the course (based on the suggestion from my coach), and mentally prepare when to get water/hydration/fuels along the course. For pacing, I really didn't know whether I could get to the suggested pace from my coach, so my ultimate guideline is to see how I feel (heart rate) on the race day as I want to finish the race safe and non-stop.
研究賽道:研究賽道是怎麼跑跑法」,哪裡有水站等等。因為才剛到波特蘭,完全沒去過那些地方,也沒有特地開車走一遭,所以那些地圖對我來說沒有什麼真實感。不過,根據教練的建議,我前5-6 英里可以先用9:30 的速度跑,之後看情形加快。我自己的翻譯是,前5 -6 英里用我可以接受的速度跑,因為我不知道9:30 對比賽當天的我來說會不會太快。然後我還模擬到哪個水站要拿水,哪個水站拿補給(這個比賽有附Gu)。

(c) Logistics for the day: This includes: what to wear, what not to wear, when to go out, where to park. I have noticed and tested that wearing shorts is way much easier and comfortable to run at at a pace faster than easy run at temperature above zero degree C for 13.1 mile. I also decided not to bring water bottle and cell phone with me, as those add weight to my body. 😜 For pre-race fueling, in addition to my breakfast (bread + mixed nut butter), I ate a gummy (with caffeine) that I usually would eat for my training if needed ~15 mins before the race, and was drinking a hydration drink before the race. And these had prepared me well for the race.
規劃當天流程:我和老公討論幾點起床,早餐內容,早上要做哪些按摩暖身,幾點出門,車要停哪,穿什麼衣服去,比賽的穿戴裝備,幾分鐘前再去排隊準備等等。而且這場比賽網站上沒有完整的會場佈置圖,以至於我們無法事前知道要在哪裡寄物、要在哪裡排隊準備開跑。不過有走過一輪心理準備後,當天就不會緊張。經過賽前幾天去戶外跑的試驗,發現六七度以上穿短褲跑半馬是會舒服,不會太熱的。我還決定不自己帶水壺,身上也不帶水,因為手臂輕輕比較好跑。至於賽前飲食,早餐在比賽前兩小時吃了平時吃的吐司加堅果醬。比賽前十五分鐘吃平時訓練需要時會吃的能量軟糖(含咖啡因),然後從家裡出發後喝的水都是電解質水內含咖啡因和糖(也是平時訓練有需要時會吃的)。這樣大致上能讓我撐到9 mile 才做第二次補給(理想上感覺可以7 or 8 mile 就補給)。

What happens on the race day:
It was a nice day for a half marathon! No rain, a bit cloudy, and cool temperature. When I started out, the sun came out a little bit, and it made me feel extremely emotional (my very first time feeling emotional during a race; I'm usually in a game/nervous face 😝). I thought about my mom, and the days of sunshine following her death, and on her funeral day.  It seemed like my mom came to cheer for me. I choked up and was at the verge of crying. The feeling went away when I started to focus on my run. The hills (500 ft) ended up to be the killer in this race. At the beginning, I did well on a couple of (3-4) small hills (compared to the hills later, they are really tiny). I had to slow down to keep my heart rate in a manageable zone (without going all out at mile 6-9) as the climb continued. At around 6 miles, I have set aside my goal for breaking 2 hours. I told myself, just run the best I could! I felt good after fueling at mile 9 (but it was too sweet, had to spit), and my speed went up again as I continued with the descend. My fastest mile turned out to be the last mile: 8:41, finishing strong at the end.
當天早上雨已停,但草地仍濕,有水窪。比賽剛開始時,太陽公公稍微探出頭來,這樣微露的太陽搭配上一群人開跑(主持人開玩笑說,13.1 英里,將會比你想像中的長💔),讓我立馬很感動很想哭。原因是,這太陽公公讓我想到媽咪,媽咪往生後幾天,太陽特別溫暖,每每預測會下雨,當天都要嘛小雨要嘛沒雨出太陽。媽媽告別式當天,也是有甘露(一點小雨)然後放晴。這一切好像媽媽短暫來給我加油(媽媽生前就知道我在為半馬訓練,但下定決心報名是在媽媽喪禮以後)。這次的各種小坡和持續有3 英里的上坡很是考驗,開跑的前五英里就有不少小坡,我都處理得不錯,心裡還想說:果然有坡度訓練有差。殊不知,真正的坡根本還沒開始(總共約五層樓高的坡)。中型坡開始後,我就調整自己的目標:盡力跑完即可,不需要執著在破二。接著就是無止盡的大坡,之後,我就開始掉速了~~~我現在回想起來,對於當時的爬坡路段除了看到有人停下來用走的,有人的剛好放到Rachel Platten 的Fight Song很勵志以外,真的不記得那路段我心裡在想什麼。大概就是:一步一步往上爬的概念吧!😜

My husband did well on his race, and was waiting for me at the finish line

In summary:
Overall, I'm not extremely thrilled about my result. But taking into account my training process, the life events, and the nature of the course, I did my best.

I still would like to do a sprint triathlon race, and another road race < 13.1 mile (half marathon is the longest racing distance that I feel motivated to work hard toward) this summer.

As life continues to evolve, I will do my best to keep sports training as my anchor!


