2018年3月24日 星期六

From 5 K to my first Half Marathon: Shamrock Run Portland 2018 (Part 1)

For all good purposes, they all start with a WHY:
(1) Why I decided to write about my race thoughts? 為什麼我要寫比賽心得呢?
During my training, as a novice, I was curious about other runners' experiences in their "out of comfort zone" training process. It was great to find quite a lot of inspiring stories from instagram posts and running podcasts, but stories specific to preparing for one's first half marathon is not that easy to find. So, I'm hoping that I can contribute to that pool of people who are/will be in the same place where I was.
在準備半馬的過程中,很想知道有類似經驗的人是如何準備、所遇到的困難有哪些。Instagram上有不少勵志的故事,例如,如何不放棄路跑,幾年後成績是如何進步等。關於準備初半馬路跑的文章,我找到的大多是『裸跑初半馬』之類的心得。這完全不符合我的需求和個性啊。裸跑心態+仰賴幸運之神眷顧,實在和我的原則(以及人生本質= =)大相逕提啊!希望寫出自己的準備過程能與有志一同的人分享囉!

(2) Why did I choose a half marathon? 為什麼我要選擇半程馬拉松(21 km)來比賽?
Long story short, I have been very keen on improving my running performance ever since I started running for 5 K races in February 2017. However, I had little idea about what would be the best distance to achieve this goal. It turns out that, there is NO correct answer. So I decided to train along with my lovely husband for a half marathon in preparation for his first marathon.
我的終極目標是提升跑步的能力,讓5 K or 10 K 的速度提升。自己有查到說,不要一直都跑同一種距離,讓訓練有所變化更能促進身體的發展。於是我就加入(被推坑)老公為全馬(42 km)準備的半馬訓練了!

I will start this post with (i) what I have learned throughout the training process, then (ii) share my training approach and (iii) racing strategy, and will end with a short summary.
這次心得會分三大點來分享。(i) 過程中學到的東西(ii) 我的訓練方法(iii) 我的比賽方法。最後有個小總結

(i) What I have learned throughout the training process 過程中學到的東西:
Sports training to me has been an anchor amidst uncertainties in life in the past years. I felt that I can work hard toward a concrete goal rather than just training for my body image (aka to have body definition), which is often very subjective and unhealthy mentally.
這幾年來,運動訓練漸漸成為我生活中不可或缺的定心丸(也可以稱之為 錨⚓️ ;P)。因為運動訓練有個時程,我可以設定目標、規劃訓練、努力執行。因為目標不是主觀的:肌肉大不大,身材好不好,所以能專注在累積付出。

Three major aspects that I have continued to grow from such a training are:

(a) Patience: Restless and anxious used to be good descriptors for me. I didn't like to wait for too long -  I looked for immediate and fast result. If I couldn't reach my goal within my target time, I felt very stressful. Along with my PhD training and my passion for baking, I have gradually developed a philosophy that I hold dearly: hard work and persistence count. I no longer envy or chase after overnight success. Sports training is a great manifestation of this quality, and it reinforces the internalization and execution of such a quality.

(b) Perserverance: Sometimes I got asked why I don't get lazy on my training and why I wouldn't want to give up. Well, I do get "lazy" on my training sometimes, and that's usually when I don't feel comfortable or lack of energy to have a workout. I have also learned to identify it's whether physically incapable of a solid workout or I'm just finding an excuse to get out for an workout. If it is the later one, I would just talk myself into the workout and I usually feel AWESOME, WONDERFUL, REFRESHED, and ACCOMPLISHED after my workout because I not only feel stronger physically, but mentally as well (for being resilient and not giving up). Setting race goals and bravely working hard toward the goal without ever worrying about "failure" (fail to reach my target time or run slower than XYZ person) are the mechanisms I developed to hold myself accountable for exercises. This mindset has been applied to many other aspects of my life.

(c) Toughness - in facing uncertainties from the environment and life: For races, I'm very result oriented - I would do what would work best to have a safe and good race. However, as we all know, weather and life are not always predictable - I may have a workout plan disrupted by life events, body conditions, or weather etc. So, I have gradually developed the capacity to adapt to uncertainties while still staying on track toward the goal instead of fixing onto a plan and feeling horrible about the uncontrollable. I have also gradually built the toughness to workout/race in various weather conditions.

(ii) My training approach (click here 按這繼續閱讀下集)

