2017年9月4日 星期一

告別博士生涯之回顧 中 (About Mind Body and Soul)

據第一集:告別博士生涯之回顧 的分享。第二集(中)想要分享 的學習成長,因為要分享的好多,不知從何講起,同時又覺得每個人個體差異大,我的經驗可能就只限於我個人。經過了幾番考慮,覺得不妨把歷程整理整理,給自己做紀錄,同時也能和有共鳴的人分享。

This post is the second part of the series: Reflection on my PhD life, which focuses on sharing my journey in the growth of mind and body. I had been debating whether to write this at all as I know that every individual is different and my experience might just be applicable to me. Anyways, I decided to write this up as my own record, and share with those who resonate with.

View of Downtown Minneapolis from the campus

這篇將會分三部分來分享。(1) 身:運動和健身 (2)身:飲食 (3)心靈:心理健康

The post is composed of three parts: (1) Body: Fitness, (2) Body: Diet, and (3) Mind: Mental Health





The first year when I started working with a trainer (2014)

A recent post-workout photo

(1)  Body: Fitness
First off, fitness is a journey of making it a habit. It takes time; it’s impossible to “make it right” immediately (and plus, there’s no “absolute right” after all). I believe that as long as you continue to make incremental changes, you are able to make fitness your lifestyle and continue to become who you want to be.

Looking back on my own journey, I started to go to the gym regularly in the year of 2012-2013. I started to work with a personal trainer (1-1) in early 2014. After 24 sessions, I went out to the community and had some small fitness training classes in a local gym. As the service provided by the local gym didn’t really fit my needs, I decided to stop, and that’s about time that I decided to train for a triathlon. (See previous post for detail)

During this process, in addition to learning from my trainers, I also looked online (posts or Youtube videos) to learn about the knowledge and different theories. I also tried to study a textbook on Strength Training, but….. I’m not even at 25% of the book yet lol 😅. What’s more important to me besides all these “knowledges,” I noticed that what I view as beautiful has also changed gradually. For example, I can still remember it vividly that in early 2012, I was very obsessed with the notion of loosing weight (but luckily, I still prioritized "health" over loosing weight, so I didn’t go to the extreme except being upset about how I look every so often.) and felt that my legs have to be very skinny to be pretty, which is not at all the type of legs that my genes would make me look. As I know more about exercise and muscles, I no longer pursue something that’s not reasonable.



一般來說,我的注重均衡飲食:澱粉,蛋白質,蔬果,油脂。剛好我是一個熱愛酪梨和各種堅果(不會買度糖霜的堅果;偏愛不灑鹽的堅果),我的油脂來源超豐富。😆不知道是不是這個原因,已連續一年我的血液中用快篩法量不到低密度膽固醇(三酸甘油脂<45 mg/dL

Whole foods as much as possible!

I LOVE baking! Creating flavors of love and content!

(2)  Body: Diet
Counting every calorie I eat is challenging for me, and I was never committed to doing it strictly. However, I emphasize on eating “whole foods” instead of “processed foods.” Why? The main reason is just that I like the original tastes better than artificial flavors. Therefore, I cook for my meals most of the time. If I get to eat in a restaurant of my choice, I prefer the types of restaurants that share similar values as mine.

I also like to eat dessert and bread. Unfortunately (for fortunately?), most of the dessert and bread in the stores here in the US are often too sweet for me (and too artificial to me), I started my baking journey in my own kitchen. As I learn more about the basic knowledge of baking, I don’t aim for making my dessert or bread taste like those sold in the stores. Instead, I started to enjoy the food in its more natural/original flavors.

The rule of thumb for my diet is to keep it balanced: carbohydrates, proteins, vegies and fruits, and good oil. As avocado and nuts are my comfort foods 💓, I always have good sources of good oil! Perhaps with the combination of my diet and my workouts, I know that the Triglycerides in my body is <45 mg/dL, and the biometric screening machine wasn’t able to calculate my LDL based on the low Triglycerides measured!



一直以來,我是很需要被外在肯定的人,在意外在眼光,覺得要滿足別人的期待才質得被愛😥😥。同時,自我要求高到一種對自己很嚴苛的程度。例如,我覺得有情緒就是軟弱,難過時不知道要如何安慰自己,累的時候不知道要停下來等等。這些自覺都是在諮商,閱讀,討論的過程中才漸漸明白的。除了有此認知以外,我也學習一些實用的技巧來與自己自處,例如:Mindfulness, Self-compassion, Empowerment, Assertive Speaking等等。相較於過去,我更喜歡現在的自己,因為現在的我有勇氣活出自己的本質。只要對得起自己的原則,我都能勇敢的去嘗試和承擔(相對於壓抑,然後做事畏首畏尾。若覺得無法滿足某些人的期待就會罪惡感滿滿😱😨)。


至於諮商資源,美國的系統和台灣不大相同!總之,不管在哪裡,了解週遭的資源有什麼後,就善加利用囉!以我所在的明大為例,(i) Student Counseling Service,裡面除了提供一對一心理諮商(面費)外,還有小團體課程(也免費)。免費資源通常需要排隊,能給的服務可能相對沒有這麼及時。學期中開始他們就會超忙。除了SCS以外,(ii) 明大還有Mental Health Clinic,在這裡看診需要掛號,繳co-pay,也會花到健康保險的錢。在這裡的看診次數也是有限制的,若需要看診的次數大於限制的話,他們會轉介有需求者到其他諮商中心或獨立心理師。

Mental Health is important 💖

(3)  Mind: Mental Health
Among these three points, the one that is often neglected is Mental Health, and some may even view it in a judgmental way.  To me, taking care of my Mental Health is as important as my Physical Health. Taking care of your mental health regularly is just like taking vitamins daily and doing routine physical exams regularly.

I started out learning about psychology myself via an elected course I took in my undergrad, some books, and some resources online. I also reached out to therapists at school and in the community. To me, a therapist’s roles are (i) helping me learn faster as I have a “guide” during this discovery journey, and (ii) being an “outside” person that I feel comfortable (free of being judged about my opinion or my emotion) to share my thoughts and feelings with.

I used to care A LOT about what others think of me, and genuinely think that I have to meet someone’s expectations to be loved 😥. I was also very harsh on myself. For example, I deemed having emotions as being vulnerable, and I didn’t know how to embrace myself when I was sad. I became aware of all these through my counseling sessions with the therapists. I started to practice some useful skills such as Mindfulness, Self-compassion, Empowerment, and Assertive Speaking. I do like and feel much more peaceful with who I am now compared to who I was as I was busy meeting others’ expections rather than being true to myself and loving myself.

As you may already know, both physical and mental health are dynamic rather than static. I don’t think that I will never be “perfect” (as it is just a static and temporary moment, depending on how you define your “perfection”) and I don’t pursue "perfection". What’s important to me are to love who I am: good or bad, and respect others!

As for counseling services, identifying resources available around you are very important. It took me three years to finally identify the resources available at the University of Minnesota! In short, there are two major counseling services at the U: (i) Student Counseling Service (sessions are free) and (ii) Boynton Health Clinic. I had benefited A TON from these two centers and I’m grateful for having them on campus.


Overall, hope that everyone (YOU and I) will continue to live healthier and with content!

Healthier and Stronger

LOVE and Determination

