Today marks the sixth-year "anniversary" of my journey here in the US. It has been full of joy and challenges, from which I have learned and grown a lot.
I'd like to share with you the three important and fundamental things that I have learned. These are the things that I would continue to come back to in the future.
1. 工作或生活遇到困難時,要有勇氣找專業的諮詢(向外尋求協助)
Don't be afraid to seek out for help, from the experienced or the experts in the field, in both your work and life.
2. 響往的未來,想做的改變,從現在就開始做,並把它變成生活的一部分。幾年後回頭看,會很驚訝,原來我有一直往前,也已走遠;也很慶幸當時有開始的勇氣。
If there are somethings that you want to pursue or make a change, start from NOW. Soon, you will be surprised at how much progress you have made and how far you have gone.
3. 接受並能自在的與自己本身的樣貌、個性、長處、短處(和怪癖)相處。不需要放太多力氣在努力變得和別人一樣;也不需要拿自己的短處(沒有的)去和別人的長處(擁有的)比較。
Be comfortable with who you are. There is no need to making an effort to be like somebody else or to just "fit in." Also, it's a total waste of time to compare what you don't have (your weaknesses) with what others own (others' strengths).
Last but not least,
我喜歡現在的我嗎? 喜歡
Do I like who I am now? Yes.
對生活感到滿意嗎? 有滿意也有諸多不滿。
Am I satisfied with my day-to-day life now? Some but not entirely.
Lastly, I feel lucky that, regardless of how imperfect my life is, there is at least one person who loves who I am as a whole, and supports me wholeheartedly. I'm also happy that fitness and training have become a big part of my life, which really empowers me to work on the challenging things in life.
Keep fighting |
I'd be curious to hear about your journeys and transformations!